See also
Bug reports and fixes
Email support
I provide technical support via email. Send a message to [email protected].
Sequences and other email attachments
Please don't send sequences or other files in-line in the message. Email systems
sometimes change formatting in important ways.
Better is to use an archive format such as
tar, especially if you're sending
multiple files. Under Windows, you can use
winzip and
other utilities to create tar files. If you have data that is too large to
send as an attachment, you can use a
free file sharing service.
Response time I answer most
questions same day. If you don't hear from me after a couple of
days, maybe your email got spam- or virus-filtered, then you're
welcome to send a follow-up message.
Toy example
If USEARCH does something unexpected, e.g.
crashes or fails to produce expected results, then please make a
example. it's a big help, thanks!
Please be considerate USEARCH
has thousands of users, and on a typical day I get several tech
support questions. I'm happy to support the software, but I would
appreciate it if you were considerate of my workload, especially if
you got the software for free. I am not paid a salary to do this work, and I don't have
grant support.
Please make an effort to solve the problem
yourself, or at least narrow it down as much as you can. Then,
communicate the problem clearly and concisely, but with enough
detail that I can understand what's going on. Remember, USEARCH is
used in a huge variety of applications, and I don't know anything
about what you're doing unless you tell me.
What you can do |
Comments |
Read the documentation |
Pretty obvious. You did try,
right? |
Check the bug list |
Make sure your problem hasn't been reported already.
Maybe it's already fixed. |
Version and options |
Tell me the long name of the USEARCH build as reported by
the version command, plus
the full command line(s) that you're using. |
Input data |
Give me a brief overview of the input data.
Protein or nucleotide? Sequence length? How many
sequences? |
Make a toy
example |
(Sorry for repeating myself, but a lot of people miss this
one). If USEARCH does something unexpected, e.g. crashes or fails to produce
expected results, then a toy example is a big help. Thanks! |