Bug |
First ver |
Fixed ver |
Description |
8.0.1 |
8.0 |
8.0.1412 |
cluster_otus fails with ""Must sort by size for OTU clustering".
8.0.2 |
8.0 |
8.0.1733 |
calc_distmx sometimes produces incorrect results.
8.0.3 |
8.0 |
8.0.1416 |
-dbmatched and -dbnotmatched give "No such file or directory" error.
8.0.4 |
8.0 |
8.0.1426 |
search_pcr bugs: diffs did not consider IUPAC codes, spurious "strand ignored"
warning, multithreading bug, crashed unless -threads 1.
8.0.5 |
8.0 |
8.0.1429 |
search_oligodb failed to report some valid hits.
8.0.6 |
8.0 |
8.0.1432 |
fasta_rarify crashed, e.g. with floating point exception.
8.0.7 |
8.0 |
8.0.1460 |
-top_hits_only sometimes reports non-top hits.
8.0.8 |
8.0.1465 |
8.0.1473 |
-utax reported two records for each query sequence if -strand both is given, one
for each strand. Only the higher-confidence record should be reported.
8.0.9 |
8.0 |
8.0.1478 |
derep_prefix does not write output.
8.0.10 |
8.0.1512 |
8.0.1517 |
-sortbysize gives fatal error "seqdb.h(58) assert failed: m_Quals != 0" with
FASTA input file.
8.0.11 |
8.0 |
(not fixed) |
See: Kernel too old error.
8.0.12 |
8.0 |
8.0.1539 |
-fastqout option of -fastx_truncate did not work.
8.0.13 |
8.0 |
(not fixed) |
Fatal error from utax command:
e:\r\src\usearch\taxtree.h(51) assert failed: TaxId <= m_MaxTaxId
This is caused by lower-case input sequences. Work-around is to convert to upper
8.0.14 |
8.0 |
8.0.1564 |
-eeout option to -fastq_filter did not work.
8.0.15 |
8.0 |
8.0.1574 |
-relabel option of -fastq_filter failed to create unique, sequential label.
Workaround: use -threads 1.
8.0.16 |
8.0 |
8.0.1574 |
search_pcr and search_ologi fail intermittently with "nt sequences required" if
there are many IUPAC codes (automatic nt alphabet detection looks for {ACGTU}
8.0.17 |
8.0 |
8.0.1589 |
fastx_revcomp did not reverse the order of the Q scores in FASTQ output.
8.0.18 |
8.0 |
8.0.1604 |
-sizeout option to -cluster_otus gave incorrect size values.
8.0.19 |
8.0 |
8.0.1606 |
fastq_eestats command sometimes segfaulted if no log file specified. Workaround
is to specify -log logfile.txt.
8.0.20 |
8.0.1606 |
8.0.1623 |
uchime_ref and uchime_denovo fatal error if -chimeras or -nonchimeras option used:
seqdb.h(58) assert failed: m_Quals != 0.
Work-round is to use -uchimeout file, get non-chimeric labels by grep "N$"
out.uchime | cut -f2 > labels.txt then use fastx_getseqs.
8.0.21 |
8.0 |
8.0.1629 |
-sort other did not work in cluster_fast. Workaround is to use -threads 1 or
8.0.22 |
8.0 |
8.0.1629 |
"Unknown option alpha" error if -alpha specified on command line.
8.0.23 |
8.0 |
8.0.1638 |
-notmatchedfq option produces FASTA output, should be FASTQ.
8.0.24 |
8.0 |
8.0.1465 |
segfault in allpairs_local.
8.0.25 |
? |
8.0.1689 |
-fastx_truncate with -padlen gives
---Fatal error---
seqinfo.cpp(153) assert failed: m_Qual == m_QualBuffer
8.0.26 |
8.0 |
8.0.1702 |
Labels in -msaout files may be in wrong order compared with the sequences.
8.0.27 |
8.0 |
8.1.1727 |
Fatal error from cluster_otus or uparse_ref
uparsedp.cpp(219) assert failed: SumLengths == QL
Caused by gap character '-' or '.' in query sequence. Workaround is to delete
8.0.28 |
8.0 |
8.1.1723 |
-fastaout option causes -cluster_otus to hang. This option is not supported in
v8, fix is to delete the option.
8.0.29 |
8.1.1748 |
-fastqout option generated FASTA output with -orient.